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Collecting the Materials

Marketing Planning

Market research:

"Average consumer: They rarely purchase candles, but when they do, they look for the aromatic with a good scent in supermarkets/IKEA. Although they would be willing to pay up to 5€ more for an ecologic candle with an recycled base, there are some doubts that since it would be made of food waste that candle could start to smell wierd and lose its form."

Click here to move to Market Research" to see the entire analysis of the marketing survey.

Materials List

Oil Filtration:

 Kitasato flask 500ml, Büchner funnel, Filter paper, Vacuum pump & Strainer.

Oil Washing:

 NaCl, Beaker 50ml, Spatula, Distilled water (500ml), Beaker 500ml, Graduated cylinder 100ml, Heating plate, Magnetic stir bar, Funnel, Thermometer, Universal stand, Separating funnel 250ml, Beaker 100ml & Used Oil.

Oil Purification:

 Spatula, Graduated cylinder 100ml, Heating plate, Magnetic stir bar, Funnel, Universal stand, Beaker 100ml, Almond shell powder, Used oil, Strainer, Scale, Kitasato flask 500ml, Büchner funnel, Filter paper & Vacuum pump.

Essencial Oil Extraction:

 Scale, Vaporizer, Beaker 50ml, Aromatic herbs, Cinnamon stick, Knive, Cutting board, Orange peels, Ethanol, Erlenmeyer flask 20ml, Stopper for the flask, Graduated cylinder 50ml, Mortar, Pestle, Graduated cylinder 5ml, Pasteur pipette.

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