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Studying The Eco-Market

Market Research

Link for the survey:

Answers PDF: click here

This research will be needed again for the preparation of the coloring and scenting of the waxes featured in our first collection. Click here to move to First Brand Line tab (Information is yet to be updated)

Results of 300 responses:

 What is most valued when buying a candle?

   82% Scent; 6% Durability; 5.3% Colour; ...

 How often do they purchase candles?

   44% Rarely; 43.7% Sometimes; 8% Often, ...

 What type of candle is most purchased?

   1st Aromatic, 2nd Decorative, 3rd Parties.

 Where do they usually buy the candles?

   65.3% Supermarkets/IKEA, 28% Decor Stores, 4.7% Candle Stores, ...

 How much do they usually pay for the candles they purchase?

   54.7% less than 5€, 37.3% between 5€ and 10€, 6.7% between 10€ and 20€, ...

 Which one is the prefered base for the candle?

   59.3% Recycled Organic Products, 34.5% Common (Paraffin), ...

 If the wax was made out of recycled food, but it would still have the smell and appearance of a "common" candle, would you be willing to buy it?

    94.3% Yes, 3% Uncertain, 2.7% No.

  If the previous answer was "Yes", how much more they are willing to pay for a more ecologic product?

     46.4% less than 5€, 44.3% between 5€ and 10€, 9.3% more than 10€.

  If the previous answer was "Uncertain", what are the biggest concerns?

     Frequent answers: the decompostion effects, such as durability, smells, and gases.

Average consumer: They rarely purchase candles, but when they do, they look for the aromatic with a good scent in supermarkets/IKEA. Although they would be willing to pay up to 5€ more for an ecologic candle with an recycled base, there are some doubts that since it would be made of food waste that candle could start to smell wierd and lose its form.

Reflextion: Pleasantly surprised by the availability of purchasing candles originating from organic products, our project assumes the obligation to ensure the stability of the appearance and fragrance of aromatic candles, with scent being the main highlight, as well as the lowest expense value necessary, without ever compromising the quality of our products. This approach allows our consumers access to a price as appealing as the pleasant scent of our candles.

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