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Filtração ISEP Horizontal_edited.jpg

Filtrating the Oil

 Initiated laboratory procedures with vacuum filtration of cooking oil, addressing challenges and resuming progress through collaboration with ISEP for improved equipment.


 Beginning of the first part of the laboratory procedure, the vacuum filtration of cooking oil, mainly requiring a Büchner funnel and a vacuum pump.

 In the initial days, we realized the need for pre-coating and the need to change the filter paper every hour, discarding the option of using inefficient gauze to better optimize time.


 This was followed by a short period of solution to our first major hurdle in project development: the vacuum pump stopped working during the filtration process, leading to the contamination of a small amount of already filtered oil.

 We contacted the professors we knew at ISEP to return to the laboratories and this time perform the filtration there, with better equipment that quickly got our project back on a promising track.

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